About Me

Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Angela, and as the wife of a mechanic, I was constantly tripping over car parts and complaining about the rows of project cars lining our garden. However, after a few years, I quit complaining and actually found joy in the art of auto repair. Inspired by that classic book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", I decided to start working on cars with my husband. This blog is the culmination of everything I have learned and more. I hope you enjoy reading it and that my tips and ideas guide you toward a healthier car and a happier, safer driving experience.


Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Car Suspension Trouble Signs You Should Watch Out For

by Keith Simpson

The suspension system on your car helps to ensure a comfortable ride by absorbing shocks from bumps and other uneven surfaces on the road. It also maximises the friction between the tyres and the road surface to ensure good handling of the vehicle.

Watching out for early signs of suspension trouble and taking corrective action as quickly as possible is essential for maximising the overall performance and safety of your vehicle. If your car exhibits the following symptoms, it may require suspension repair.

A rough, bumpy ride

As aforementioned, one of the primary purposes of a suspension system is to absorb the shocks from the road to ensure a smooth, comfortable ride. If you're experiencing a rough, bumpy ride while driving, this is an indication that your car's shock absorbers may be worn out and need to be replaced. 

Over time, the shock absorbers become weak and will no longer cushion your car against the shock of hitting or driving over road obstacles, making it increasingly difficult to keep control of the vehicle.

The car pulls to one side of the road

If your car drifts to the left or right side of the road while you're travelling on a straight road, this could be a sign of a faulty suspension. While other factors such as wheel misalignment and steering issues can also cause the problem, getting your suspension system checked is a good way to start the troubleshooting and repair process. 

Difficult in braking

A bad suspension can also cause problems with stopping your car. If you feel the vehicle's body nose-dive, that is, lurch forward and downward when you press on the brake pedal, then you most likely have suspension problems. This can undermine your ability to quickly stop the vehicle to avoid an accident.

Strange noises

As well as absorbing the shocks that arise from tyre-road interaction, a normally functioning suspension system should absorb any noises that may be produced every time the vehicle encounters an obstacle on the road. If you hear squealing, squeaking, clanking and other odd noises every time you hit a bump, kerb or pothole on the road, you may have suspension trouble.

Keeping your car's suspension system in top working shape is essential for maximising the safety and performance of the vehicle. If you notice any signs of trouble with your suspension, don't hesitate to get the issue checked and repaired at an auto mechanic shop close to you.
