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Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Angela, and as the wife of a mechanic, I was constantly tripping over car parts and complaining about the rows of project cars lining our garden. However, after a few years, I quit complaining and actually found joy in the art of auto repair. Inspired by that classic book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", I decided to start working on cars with my husband. This blog is the culmination of everything I have learned and more. I hope you enjoy reading it and that my tips and ideas guide you toward a healthier car and a happier, safer driving experience.


Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

    Truck Repair And Maintenance Tips

    Most truck owners experience difficulties when conducting truck repairs. More often than not, they do not know how to diagnose their vehicles or determine the required spare parts. Below is a short guide on truck maintenance and repairs.  The primary objective of truck maintenance is to prevent expensive repairs. Proper vehicle use is an essential aspect of truck maintenance. For instance, overloading the vehicle could cause engine wear and overheating problems.

    The Dos And Don'ts Of Car Servicing

    Proper vehicle servicing will improve the longevity and performance of your vehicle. In this excerpt, you will learn the dos and don'ts of vehicle servicing. The Dos Consider the following as you service the vehicle.  Inspect The Vehicle This is a critical aspect of the car servicing process. The inspection will inform you of the servicing work that the vehicle needs. For instance, car engines will develop leaks after a while due to worn out seals and gaskets.

    Do You Have Problems with the Mass Airflow Sensor on Your Luxury Car?

    When you buy a high-end European car, you should expect it to last as long as possible and to be reliable. Yet still, some models are prone to issues, and one area of concern is often the mass airflow sensor. If you're having problems with your vehicle's fuel injection system, what do you need to know about the sensor and how can it be fixed? Balancing Fuel Injection Engineers include this type of sensor to help them determine how much air is actually entering the fuel injection system.

    Vital Car Radiator Repairs That Need Immediate Attention

    The car radiator is one of the most crucial parts of your vehicle. The radiator works to cool your engine and prevent overheating in the motor. Once the radiator is not working efficiently, you should repair it. Otherwise, you will end up with costly damages. Various elements could lead to the need for a car radiator repair. The article highlights when you should get experts to repair your car radiator.

    What To Do If Your Radiator Has Seen Its Better Days

    When the engine on your car or truck is in full swing, a tremendous amount of heat will be built up inside. This will be regulated by a network of channels within the block of the engine and the heat will be carried away within a coolant liquid to be processed and modified by the radiator. Consequently, the radiator is one of the most important components on your vehicle, and you've got to ensure that it is in first-class condition at all times or problems will definitely arise.

    Can Three Ways You Tell Your Car's Brakes Need Repair

    Brakes are the single most important safety feature on a car. When you step on the brake pedal, a complex series of reactions occur. The pedal forces the brake fluid to engage a series of systems, which creates friction. It is this friction that brings your car to a stop. Brake pads are connected to the calliper, which is fitted to the disc rotor. When the system is working efficiently, you can stop at any time when you sense danger on the road.

    Why Panel Beating Is Only a Small Part of the Job

    The phrase "panel beater" is something of a misnomer. It suggests that the individual in question adopts an aggressive stance as he or she fights with your damaged car to try and affect the repair. In truth, the work is much more sophisticated and is a result of years of training combined with modern-day technology. You may wonder what the process involves, and it's good to have a broad knowledge of what will take place.

    Mobile Mechanics: A Few Things That You Need to Know

    Problems with your car can put a damper on your entire day. When your car refuses to start or, worse yet, breaks down by the road, you would have to rearrange your entire schedule and figure out how to get your vehicle to an auto shop. Fortunately, you now can enlist the services of a mobile mechanic. These professionals provide you with a higher degree of convenience than auto shops because they can get your car up and running on the same day that you call them for help.