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Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Angela, and as the wife of a mechanic, I was constantly tripping over car parts and complaining about the rows of project cars lining our garden. However, after a few years, I quit complaining and actually found joy in the art of auto repair. Inspired by that classic book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", I decided to start working on cars with my husband. This blog is the culmination of everything I have learned and more. I hope you enjoy reading it and that my tips and ideas guide you toward a healthier car and a happier, safer driving experience.


Angela's Articulate Collection of Car Service Secrets, Tips and Tricks

Potential Caravan Repairs to Be on the Lookout For

Owning a caravan comes with the joy of exploring Australia’s vast landscapes, but it also carries a level of responsibility. Over time, wear and tear can creep in, demanding a trained eye and timely attention. Spotting and addressing potential issues early can save you from costly caravan repair services and keep your travels safe. Electrical System Problems You rely heavily on your caravan’s electrical system for lighting, appliances, and other essentials.

The Importance of Having New Tyres Put on Your Car

One of the most crucial aspects of car maintenance is ensuring that your tyres are in good condition. Not only do well-maintained tyres improve the overall performance of your vehicle, but they also play a significant role in keeping you safe on the road. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of having new tyres put on your car and why it is essential to check and replace them when necessary regularly.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Car Repairs: From Diagnosis to Resolution

Car troubles can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you don't have a clear understanding of what's going wrong under the hood. Whether you're a passionate car enthusiast or simply a regular driver, possessing a fundamental knowledge of automotive repairs can significantly boost your confidence when seeking professional help. Understanding the basics empowers you to engage with experts and navigate your way through car-related issues more effectively. Diagnosing the Problem The first step in any car repair is diagnosing the problem.

Why You Should Flush Your Automatic Transmission System Rather Than Simply Changing the Oil

The automatic transmission system of your car is responsible for the smooth movement of your vehicle as well as the overall performance. However, like every other component, it requires proper care and maintenance to ensure long-term durability. One crucial practice that is vital for the longevity of your transmission system is flushing. What is involved, and why is this better than simply changing the oil? Ensure That the Old Fluid Is Removed

Questions To Ask A Panel Beater

Do you intend to hire a panel beater? It could be that your car has crashed recently or needs a fresh coat of paint. Below are some questions to ask your panel beater.  What Repairs Does The Vehicle Need?  A panel beater conducts a thorough assessment to determine the repairs that your vehicle needs. A simple visual inspection allows the panel beater to establish the condition of the damaged panels. Typically, there are two approaches to panel repair: refurbishment or replacement.

Four Ways Mechanics Can Help You With Braking Issues

Brake problems can be a serious issue, especially if you're driving on the freeway and have to stop quickly. It's important to get your brakes checked regularly so that you can avoid any issues down the road. Here are four ways mechanics can help you with brake problems. 1. Mechanics Can Perform A Brake Pad Inspection The brake pads are designed to stop the car when you press down on the pedal.

4 Reasons You Shouldn't Keep Driving with Bad Engine Mounts

Engine mounts aren't often parts that people give a lot of thought to, but they form a vital function in keeping your car running properly. Positioned around your engine, they help control its movements during every drive. You can think of them as a kind of suspension system for your engine. Unfortunately, the metal and rubber that your engine mounts are made from can wear down naturally over time. They can also be negatively impacted by anything from aggressive driving to driving on rough or uneven terrain.

Should You Always Flush Old Oil From Your Transmission System?

Anyone who has ever owned a car knows that it's important to service the vehicle from time to time. Conventional wisdom dictates that you should change the oil and filter on your engine and gearbox in accordance with the manufacturer-recommended intervals and always replace them with high-quality parts. Some mechanics also recommend that you flush out the transmission system to make sure that all the old oil is chased from the nooks and crannies into the pan beneath.

Could Your Compressor Be at the Centre of Any Air Suspension Problems?

An air suspension system is highly reliable and is found in the vast majority of heavy-duty vehicles on the road today. Yet, when it starts to fail, it can cause all manner of problems, and the vehicle may quickly become undrivable. If you own or operate a truck like this but are not familiar with how the system works, what tell-tale signs should you be on the lookout for and what component is most at risk?

Why Car Manufacturers Set Aside Money for Customer Retention

These days, there's a tremendous amount of competition in the automotive marketplace, and the leading manufacturers are very keen to retain or improve their market share. So, whenever somebody buys a brand-new vehicle, a certain amount of the cost is dedicated to the marketing budget and that all-important customer retention. Some companies go out of their way to make a customer feel special at every touchpoint, and this can often include a scheduled major service.

Common Repairs After Rear-End Collisions

According to statistics, nose-to-tail or rear-end collisions are the most common type of car crash in Australia, accounting for 31% of all automotive accidents. Notably, the severity of rear-end collisions can range from body injuries and totalled vehicles to minor structural damages. Unfortunately, most motorists glance at their cars and assume that everything is okay if they see minor scratches. However, a professional should assess and repair damages caused by rear-end collisions to prevent significant problems down the line.

2 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Car's Old Battery

While working on something under the hood of your car, you may have noticed that your car's battery is starting to look worn. Since this reminds you that it is rather old, you may be wondering whether or not it's time to get a new battery. Since the battery does not show advanced signs of issues, such as corroded cables, you may be having a difficult time determining if a replacement is needed.

3 Telltale Signs that's Time for Clutch Repair or Replacement

For many drivers, the third pedal on the left is something they might have failed to understand in their driving careers. There is no more valuable skill for any driver than knowing how to drive manual transmission cars. That's because you can handle almost any type of vehicle and learn better fuel economy and vehicle control tactics.  For manual transmission cars, the clutch is crucial in allowing gear shifting. If this device fails, proper shifting is usually compromised, which negatively impacts vehicle control.

What Types of Services Do Automatic Transmission Shops Offer?

If you have a vehicle with an automatic transmission, you probably know that it's important for you to keep your transmission properly serviced. Because of this, you might need to take your car to an automatic transmission service from time to time, since the professionals who work for one of these services should provide all of the services that you need so that you can keep your automatic transmission in good condition.

Car Suspension Trouble Signs You Should Watch Out For

The suspension system on your car helps to ensure a comfortable ride by absorbing shocks from bumps and other uneven surfaces on the road. It also maximises the friction between the tyres and the road surface to ensure good handling of the vehicle. Watching out for early signs of suspension trouble and taking corrective action as quickly as possible is essential for maximising the overall performance and safety of your vehicle.

Why Your Car May Stall While Driving

Avoiding a breakdown is always the goal of every car owner, but problems leading to vehicle stalling can occur at any time, leaving you stranded and in distress. When your car stalls, it means the engine isn't working. There are various reasons your car may stall while driving. Here are some of the common problems that seasoned mechanics usually find when they're repairing stalled cars. A Lack of Fuel Your car's engine runs on fuel.

Truck Repair And Maintenance Tips

Most truck owners experience difficulties when conducting truck repairs. More often than not, they do not know how to diagnose their vehicles or determine the required spare parts. Below is a short guide on truck maintenance and repairs.  The primary objective of truck maintenance is to prevent expensive repairs. Proper vehicle use is an essential aspect of truck maintenance. For instance, overloading the vehicle could cause engine wear and overheating problems.

The Dos And Don'ts Of Car Servicing

Proper vehicle servicing will improve the longevity and performance of your vehicle. In this excerpt, you will learn the dos and don'ts of vehicle servicing. The Dos Consider the following as you service the vehicle.  Inspect The Vehicle This is a critical aspect of the car servicing process. The inspection will inform you of the servicing work that the vehicle needs. For instance, car engines will develop leaks after a while due to worn out seals and gaskets.

Do You Have Problems with the Mass Airflow Sensor on Your Luxury Car?

When you buy a high-end European car, you should expect it to last as long as possible and to be reliable. Yet still, some models are prone to issues, and one area of concern is often the mass airflow sensor. If you're having problems with your vehicle's fuel injection system, what do you need to know about the sensor and how can it be fixed? Balancing Fuel Injection Engineers include this type of sensor to help them determine how much air is actually entering the fuel injection system.

Vital Car Radiator Repairs That Need Immediate Attention

The car radiator is one of the most crucial parts of your vehicle. The radiator works to cool your engine and prevent overheating in the motor. Once the radiator is not working efficiently, you should repair it. Otherwise, you will end up with costly damages. Various elements could lead to the need for a car radiator repair. The article highlights when you should get experts to repair your car radiator.

What To Do If Your Radiator Has Seen Its Better Days

When the engine on your car or truck is in full swing, a tremendous amount of heat will be built up inside. This will be regulated by a network of channels within the block of the engine and the heat will be carried away within a coolant liquid to be processed and modified by the radiator. Consequently, the radiator is one of the most important components on your vehicle, and you've got to ensure that it is in first-class condition at all times or problems will definitely arise.

Can Three Ways You Tell Your Car's Brakes Need Repair

Brakes are the single most important safety feature on a car. When you step on the brake pedal, a complex series of reactions occur. The pedal forces the brake fluid to engage a series of systems, which creates friction. It is this friction that brings your car to a stop. Brake pads are connected to the calliper, which is fitted to the disc rotor. When the system is working efficiently, you can stop at any time when you sense danger on the road.

Why Panel Beating Is Only a Small Part of the Job

The phrase "panel beater" is something of a misnomer. It suggests that the individual in question adopts an aggressive stance as he or she fights with your damaged car to try and affect the repair. In truth, the work is much more sophisticated and is a result of years of training combined with modern-day technology. You may wonder what the process involves, and it's good to have a broad knowledge of what will take place.

Mobile Mechanics: A Few Things That You Need to Know

Problems with your car can put a damper on your entire day. When your car refuses to start or, worse yet, breaks down by the road, you would have to rearrange your entire schedule and figure out how to get your vehicle to an auto shop. Fortunately, you now can enlist the services of a mobile mechanic. These professionals provide you with a higher degree of convenience than auto shops because they can get your car up and running on the same day that you call them for help.

How to Get to the Bottom of an Engine Performance Issue

How many kilometres have you covered in your trusty automobile without any problem whatsoever? If you're honest, you've probably had a good run and have not had to dip your hand into your pocket to pay for any car repairs. This gives you an indication how reliable the typical vehicle is these days, but it may nevertheless come as a surprise when an issue does manifest. It can be difficult to know what to do in this situation if you're not sure what type of problem you're facing, but you can often find your answer through a process of elimination.

Is Your Caravan Ready for Your Big Adventure Ahead?

It's been a long winter and you and your family may be suffering from an advanced case of cabin fever. However, it's not all bad as even though you've been going about your business as you normally do, you've also been secretly dreaming about your annual caravanning trip together. This is a big adventure that you only do once per year, but it can transform your spirit and rejuvenate your senses.

Did You Overlook These Areas During Your Last Car Service?

You may know how important it is to service your car's engine on a regular basis. You may also understand how much you rely on the braking system and are sure to get this checked out in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, as well. However, while your focus is on the more obvious tasks you may be overlooking some simple, but nevertheless crucial areas that can help to prolong the life expectancy of the car and reduce your overall running costs.

Three Benefits Of Hiring A Mobile Mechanic

When your car suddenly does not want to start or your truck breaks down, you lose a lot of time and energy trying to get a tow. Then the vehicle sits in a mechanic's shop until it has been repaired. Why go to all that trouble when you can just call a mobile mechanic? Here are some of the benefits associated with hiring a mobile mechanic. Hire the Mobile Mechanic on Your Cell Phone

4 Tips on How to Reduce Truck Downtime

Long distance hauliers were made for exactly that, long distance travels. Downtime is very contrary to their build and certainly beats their nature. Downtime is a frustration for all stakeholders in the business but the greatest burden rests on you, the fleet owner. It is a tough walk when you are up against the wall trying to be profitable and are suddenly hit by repair costs, productivity losses and idle employees.

Tips to Reducing Your Visits to the Radiator Shop

You vehicle is not simply a means of getting from one location to another. It is also a significant investment that requires care and maintenance to stay running in optimal condition. One of the more sensitive systems in your vehicle is its cooling system. If this system is compromised, your vehicle is out at risk of overheating, and this could result in either expensive replacement of vehicle parts or a complete breakdown.

Four Must-Know Reasons to Service Your Vehicle Regularly

A vehicle is a good luxury that everyone enjoys to have. Most people spend a fortune to purchase a car that suits their everyday needs. Therefore, it is important to know how to maintain these expensive commodities. As much as car servicing has become a familiar term for most motorists, some deliberately evade it. Some of those drivers who service their vehicles do not understand the benefits behind this important cause.

Three Tips to Help First-Time Movers Choose the Right Truck Rental Company

There is a great deal of stress associated with moving out for the first time. However, with proper planning and adequate information, moving out can be a stress-free experience. If you decide to rent a moving truck to carry your belongings to a new location, you should consider all the risks involved. Sadly, some truck rental companies may deliberately and conveniently hide valuable information from you. This article gives a few tips to guide first-time movers in choosing the right truck rental company.

What You Might Easily Overlook About a Vehicle Safety Certificate in Queensland

A vehicle roadworthy certificate is called a safety certificate in Queensland, and is needed for when you're selling a vehicle or renewing its registration. Getting the certificate is not necessarily difficult, but as a buyer or seller, or as the owner of a car whose paperwork you're looking to renew, you might overlook some factors about this certificate. Note a few of those here so you know your paperwork is in order no matter your reasons for needing this safety certificate.

Car Owners' Guide to Troubleshooting Manual Transmission Problems

Your car's transmission system is a crucial part of the vehicle's performance, safety and service life. Therefore, it is only right to ensure that the system stays running properly for as long as possible. To achieve that, you will need to make sure you can troubleshoot for transmission issues before they can exacerbate and result in bigger, costlier problems. Read on to know how you can tell when your manual car is experiencing transmission problems.

A Bit Rusty: How to Clean Rust From Your Exhaust

While exhaust pipes on most modern cars have been designed to be rust resistant, this tends to only slow down the inevitable. If rust is allowed to develop on your exhaust pipe it can lead to much more serious and costly problems and repairs. Below are a few tips to help you keep your exhaust pipe clean. Brillo Pads If the amount of rust is relatively small, you should be able to remove it using a Brillo pad which has been dipped in warm soapy water.

2 Ways To Care For Diesel Particulate Filters In Truck Engines

The incomplete combustion of fuel in diesel truck engines is responsible for the production of soot as a waste product. Because soot is an air pollutant, diesel trucks are fitted with particulate filters whose main function is to trap soot from the engine, thereby preventing its absorption into the atmosphere.  In order for diesel particulate filters to perform the said function effectively, truck owners/operators need to understand what it takes to care for diesel particulate filters, thereby prolonging their lifespan.

Manual Transmission Repairs: 2 Common Questions

The transmission system has a great role to play in the proper functioning of any automobile. It is important for a vehicle owner to ensure that the transmission system in their automobile is in good working condition at all times. With this in mind, vehicle owners need to be in a position to identify common causes of transmission system failure in a manual automobile and the possible remedies to these problems.

Intermittent Car AC Failure: Helpful Information You Need to Record

One of the most challenging auto AC problems to fix is the intermittent functioning of the system when you are driving. However, there is some information that you can give the AC repair technician when you take your car for AC repair that can help with the repairs. This article discusses some of that important information. Duration Of Your Trip Note down the time that you spend driving before the intermittent AC failures begin.

Car Alignment Problems: Red Flags to Watch Out For

Vehicle maintenance is very important, and you need to be keen to spot any problems early enough before they get serious. One of the easily forgettable car problems is alignment. Car alignment is about the adjustment of the angles of your wheels. You may not know exactly when you should take your vehicle to your mechanic for an alignment, but it's an essential component of vehicle maintenance. Issues with bad alignment can lead to steering problems and premature tyre wear.

How to Prevent Freezing of Your Car Battery

When the winter starts to approach, you may need to do some winterizing of your vehicle. An important area of the vehicle to get prepared for the cold temperatures is the battery. Your battery is at risk of freezing if the car sits for too long without being used and the battery doesn't get charged. Here are some tips for preventing freezing of the car battery. Use a Battery Blanket

Keeping Your Cool(ant): 5 Signs You Have a Leaky Radiator

Your car engine gets extremely hot. To prevent it from overheating, the radiator on your car pumps coolant around the engine. If your radiator begins to leak coolant, it can cause catastrophic and costly damage to your engine. Below are 5 signs that your radiator is leaking. Coolant Level Drops As you use your vehicle, it is normal for the coolant level to slowly drop. This is why you should check the coolant level at least once a month, topping it up as needed.

Warning Signs That Your Vehicle's Radiator Is Leaking

The radiator is an integral component of your vehicle's engine because it works to reduce or eliminate high levels of heat and cool the whole engine system. This allows your car to operate or function at the perfect temperatures, providing you with a very smooth ride. Therefore, if your car's radiator develops an issue, it could leave you stranded in case your car overheats. For this reason, it's important to have a basic knowledge on radiator troubleshooting because this can help you save on some money that you'd have otherwise spent on various diagnostics at the auto shop when your radiator seems to have a problem.

Why Fuel Data Should Be Integrated With Your Fleet Management System

As you add more trucks to your fleet, it is important to start integrating the data gathered from fuel cards into your fleet management system. This article discusses how that integration would be beneficial to you. Improved Preventive Maintenance Timely data collected from fuel card usage helps to ease the work of preventive maintenance teams. This is because the data forwarded to the fleet management system updates the data on all truck components or consumables, such as engine oil, that need to be overhauled or changed after the truck has covered a certain number of miles.

Tips When Diagnosing Common Power Steering Problems

As a car owner, you know that it is only a matter of time before parts begin to wear and fail. The power steering system within your vehicle allows your car to steer easily, but there are many components within your vehicle that make up the power steering system and some of them can wear and fail over time. If you are looking to avoid major repairs and want to correct any power steering issues right away, it is important for you to be aware of tips that will enable you to diagnose power steering problems more easily.

Some Commonly Asked Questions about a Car's Cylinder Heads and Their Repair

A car's cylinder heads are very important; these are the openings of the engine block that allow in air so that the engine can create combustion for energy. When cylinder heads get cracked or otherwise damaged, this can be very dangerous for a car's engine as they can continue to crack and may, in turn, shut down your engine completely. Cracks or other damage can also mean your engine is not regulating the air intake and other processes needed to keep your engine running as it should.

Common Questions About Smash Repairs for Vehicles

Hopefully you will go your entire life without ever being in a car accident, but if one should happen, you want to ensure you do your homework when it comes to smash repairs for your car or truck. Quality repairs are needed to ensure your vehicle's safety as well as its appearance, but you also don't want to overpay for repairs. Note a few commonly asked questions about smash repair for vehicles and be sure to discuss these with your repair shop or insurance company so you know what to expect when repairs get done.

Campervan Moisture Reduction: Put A Stop To Those Drafts!

As the kids are going to be out of school for six weeks at the end of the year, now is the perfect time to start planning where you are going to take your new campervan to explore for the holidays. Buying a second-hand campervan was a great way to save on accommodation costs while you head away, but unless you take care of the current draft problem, you're going to end up in a moist, hot box with condensation running down the walls.